Refreshing Application Configurations

This utility enables you to get updated e-file rules (program files needed to e-file returns) if they're needed before the auto-update is scheduled to run or if there are issues with the system getting them.

It is one of the Customer Service Utilities (located under the Support menu) that Customer Service representatives use to help diagnose problems.

To get the most recent e-file rules files:

This utility is available from any main manager or from an open return.

  1. From the Support menu, select Customer Service Utilities.
  2. From the list, select Refresh App Configurations.

The utility will remove your existing e-file rules files and replace them with the most up-to-date files. When the process is complete, a message appears telling you that your e-file rules configuration was successfully refreshed.

  1. Click OK on this message.

See Also:

Sending a Return to Customer Service

Send E-file Log to Customer Service

Synchronizing E-files With the EFC